


The view window is an interactive interface used for selecting, positioning, and changing various types of entities and components in the current scene.

Browsing the Scene

There are two ways to browse the scene: standard mode and flying mode. Standard mode revolves around the central viewpoint, while flying mode is suitable for browsing large scenes, allowing the scene camera to move forward, backward, left, right, up, and down in 3D space.

ModeActionShortcut Keys
StandardOrbit rotationalt + Left Mouse Button
Panningalt + command + Left Mouse Button, or press the mouse wheel
Zoomingalt + control + Left Mouse Button, or scroll mouse wheel, or swipe with two fingers on a trackpad
FlyingLook around cameraalt + Right Mouse Button
Move forwardUp Arrow or Right Mouse Button + W
Move backwardDown Arrow or Right Mouse Button + S
Strafe leftLeft Arrow or Right Mouse Button + A
Strafe rightRight Arrow or Right Mouse Button + D
Move upRight Mouse Button + E
Move downRight Mouse Button + Q
Change flying speedRight Mouse Button + Mouse Wheel


The toolbar is located at the top of the view window. Hovering the mouse over each item will show the shortcut keys or description.

DragDrag the screen

Transform the selected entityW
Rect Edit ToolDrag and scale sprites, GUI elements

Center Anchor/Hub AnchorSwitch the anchor point of the selected entity

Local/World CoordinatesSwitch the coordinates of the selected entity
FocusFocus the scene camera on the selected entityF
Scene CameraThe scene camera menu contains options for configuring the scene camera, mainly to solve issues where objects are not visible because the clipping plane is too far or too near. These adjustments do not affect settings of entities with camera components in the scene.
SettingsThe settings menu contains options to adjust view auxiliary displays, including grids, auxiliary icons (graphics associated with specific components in the scene, including camera, direct light, point light, spotlight), and auxiliary wireframes.

Scene Camera TypeSwitch between perspective/orthographic camera

ModeConveniently switch between 2D/3D scene modes. In 2D mode, navigation components, and perspective/orthographic toggle are disabled, and orbit rotation in navigation is no longer effective.
Fullscreen/RestoreMaximize the view window, minimize hierarchy, assets, inspector
PlayPlay all particles and animations in the scene
ScreenshotTake a snapshot of the current scene. Only user-created entities in the scene are shown, and a series of auxiliary tools like icons, grids, gizmo won't be included. After taking a screenshot, the snapshot will be used as the project thumbnail on the homepage.

Auxiliary Element Settings Interface

GridWhether the grid is displayed in the view
3D IconsWhether auxiliary icons scale based on their distance from the camera
Navigation GizmoUsed to display the current direction of the scene camera and can be quickly modified by mouse operation to adjust the view and projection mode (orthographic/perspective). It will appear at the bottom right corner of the screen when open.
OutlineWhether outlines are displayed when an entity is selected. The outline of the selected entity is orange, and child nodes are blue.
CameraDisplay the selected camera component as a cone
LightDisplay light source components
Static ColliderShow static collider shapes
Dynamic ColliderShow dynamic collider shapes
Emission ShapeShow particle emitter shapes

Scene Camera Settings Interface

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
FovField of view of the scene camera60
Dynamic ClippingAutomatically calculates near and far clipping planes relative to the selected entity and scene camera positionOff
Near PlaneManually adjust the nearest point relative to the scene cameraEnabled when dynamic clipping is unchecked
Far PlaneManually adjust the farthest point relative to the scene cameraEnabled when dynamic clipping is unchecked
SpeedMovement speed of the camera in flying mode10
Opaque TextureEnable opaque texture for the scene cameraOff
HDREnable HDR for the scene cameraOff
Post ProcessEnable post-processing for the scene cameraOn


When an entity with a camera component is selected, the real-time preview of that camera will be displayed at the bottom left of the view window. This helps users adjust the camera and scene position in real-time. The preview window can be dragged, locked, and switched between different device proportions.

DragFreely drag the preview window
PositionLocate this camera in the scene
Switch RatioSwitch between different device and ratio windows
LockLock the camera preview window

Objects containing camera components in the hierarchy tree can directly sync the scene camera's attributes, making position and view adjustments convenient.

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