The Inspector panel is located on the right side of the editor, and it is likely to be the panel you use most frequently when working with the editor. Depending on what you currently have selected, the Inspector panel will display the corresponding properties. You can use the Inspector panel to edit almost everything in the scene, such as scenes, entities, assets, etc.
The scene is located at the top of the hierarchy tree. By clicking and selecting the scene, you can see that the Inspector provides adjustments for scene-related effects such as ambient light, background, shadows, fog, etc. For detailed parameters on how to edit these elements, please refer to Scenes.
The Entity Inspector is the most commonly used inspector. Its properties include the component list of the current entity. You can easily modify the properties of a component or add any built-in engine component and custom script component via the Add Component button. The Entity Inspector also includes the basic information of the current entity, such as Transform
, Layer
, etc. See Entities for more details.
After selecting an asset in the asset panel, the Inspector will display various properties of the current asset and provide a previewer to display the editing results in real time. Below is a screenshot of a material asset's inspector.
Inspector controls can be divided into two main categories:
The Inspector provides many entry points for number adjustment. Depending on different attributes, the adjustable range of numbers and the size of each adjustment can vary. The most typical example is adjusting the position, rotation, and scale property values of the Transform
You can quickly adjust the size of a number by dragging the slider on the right side of the input box. While dragging, holding down ⌘ (or Ctrl on Windows) allows for more precise adjustments (precision is 1/10 of the original step).
Some adjustable properties appear as sliders. You can drag the slider to quickly adjust the size of a number, such as the Intensity
of a light. Similarly, holding ⌘
(or Ctrl
on Windows) while dragging the slider allows for more precise adjustments.
Other number adjustment properties appear as input boxes and buttons, such as the Near Plane
of shadows. These properties often have more precise step sizes (e.g., 0.1, 1, 10). Clicking the button can increase or decrease the value directly by the step length.
Some properties require color adjustments, such as lighting, scene background color, or material emissive color. To adjust the color, you need to click the color button on the left to bring up the color picker. In the color picker, you can use HUE to select a color and adjust the transparency; you can also adjust the specific RGBA values of the color in the input box. Clicking the button allows you to switch between HSLA, RGBA, and HEXA modes.
Some properties need to reference required assets. In such cases, you can click the input box of the asset selector to bring up the asset selector. Different attributes require different types of assets, but the asset selector is already pre-configured with appropriate filters, so you can select directly.
The asset selector also provides a search box, which you can use to find the corresponding asset more precisely.