Galacean is a 3D/2D interactive solution. You can quickly experience 2D interactive development by clicking Template -> Flappy Bird in the Menu View on the Editor Homepage.
You can also create a blank 2D project by clicking New Project -> 2D Project in the Project View on the Editor Homepage.
In the editor, there is not much difference between 2D and 3D projects, except that the perspective switches from 3D to 2D, and the default camera is set to orthographic. In the Hierarchy Interface, you can select a node and right-click -> 2D Object to quickly create a 2D child node. In a 2D project, you can attach a Sprite Renderer and set Sprite Assets to render images, use a Text Renderer to render 2D text, use SpriteMask to achieve masking effects for 2D elements, and use Lottie or Spine (2D skeletal animation) to display 2D effects. For performance optimization, you can also pack sprites into a sprite atlas to improve request and rendering performance.
Next, let's dive into the following topics: