Core Concept


Scene, as a scene unit, can facilitate entity tree management, especially for large game scenes. For example: scene1 and scene2 as two different scenes can independently manage their own Entity trees. Therefore, the lighting components, rendering components, and physical components under the scenes are also isolated from each other and do not affect each other. We can render one or more Scenes simultaneously, or dynamically switch the current Scene according to project logic at specific times.

Structurally, each Engine can contain one or more active scenes (currently the editor does not support multiple). Each Scene can have multiple root entities.

Editor Usage

Creation and Switching

Right-click in the Assets Panel (or the + sign at the top right of the assets panel) to create a scene, double-click the scene to switch to it:

Ambient Light

For details, please refer to the Ambient Light Tutorial and Baking Tutorial.


For details, please refer to the Background Tutorial.


For details, please refer to the Shadow Tutorial.


You can add linear, exponential, exponential squared 3 types of fog to the entire scene:

Script Usage

Property NameDescription
scenesScene list
Method NameDescription
addSceneAdd scene
removeSceneRemove scene
mergeScenesMerge scenes
loadSceneLoad scene

Loading a Scene

If you want to load a Scene asset as a scene in the application, you can use engine.resourceManager.load and pass in the URL.

const sceneUrl = "...";
engine.resourceManager.load({ type: AssetType.Scene, url: "..." }).then((scene) => {

Getting Scene Objects

By calling engine.sceneManager.scenes, you can get all the scenes currently active in the engine runtime. You can also get the corresponding scene to which an entity belongs through entity.scene.

// 获取当前所有激活的场景
const scenes = engine.sceneManager.scenes;
// 获取节点属于的场景
const scene = entity.scene;

Adding/Removing Scene

engine.sceneManager.scenes is read-only. If you need to add or remove a Scene, you need to call engine.sceneManager.addScene() or engine.sceneManager.removeScene(). The engine supports rendering multiple scenes simultaneously.

// 假设已经有两个场景
const scene1, scene2;
// 添加 场景1
// 添加 场景2
// 移除 场景2

The example of multi-scene rendering is as follows:

Merging Scenes

You can use engine.sceneManager.mergeScenes to merge 2 scenes into 1 scene.

// 假设已经有两个未激活的场景
const sourceScene, destScene;
// 将 sourceScene 合并到 destScene
engine.sceneManager.mergeScenes(sourceScene, destScene);
// 激活 destScene

Destroying Scenes

Call scene.destroy() to destroy a scene. The destroyed scene will also be automatically removed from the active scene list.

Entity Tree Management

Method NameDescription
createRootEntityThe newly created scene does not have a root entity by default and needs to be created manually
addRootEntityYou can directly create a new entity or add an existing entity
removeRootEntityRemove the root entity
getRootEntityFind the root entity, you can get all root entities or a single entity object. Note that all entities are read-only arrays and cannot change length or order
const engine = await WebGLEngine.create({ canvas: "demo" });
const scene = engine.sceneManager.scenes[0];
// 创建根实体
const rootEntity = scene.createRootEntity();
// 添加实体到场景
// 删除根实体
// 查找根实体
const allEntities: Readonly<Entity[]> = scene.rootEntities;
const entity2 = scene.getRootEntity(2);


It should be noted that when we are familiar with Engine and Scene, if we want to output the rendered picture to the screen or perform off-screen rendering, we must also ensure that the entity tree of the current scene has a Camera mounted. The method to mount the camera is as follows:

const cameraEntity = rootEntity.createChild("camera");

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