
Export Lottie Animation

What is Bodymovin

  • Bodymovin is an AE plugin that can directly output animations as code, which can be used by programmers on various terminals.
  • You can find the latest version of Bodymovin on GitHub.
  • The version of Bodymovin is equal to the version of the output JSON file.

How to use Bodymovin

  • Clone the project to your local machine from the Bodymovin GitHub homepage (link: airbnb/lottie-web), or download the .zip package.   
  • Find the "bodymovin.zxp" file in the "/build/extension" directory of the project directory, which is the plugin package.
  • Download and install ZXP Installer. ZXP Installer address:
  • Open AE, click "Edit" > "Preferences" > "General" menu item, check "Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network", and click OK.
  • Click "Window" > "Extensions" > "Bodymovin" menu item to open the Bodymovin interface and use the plugin.
  • Open the Bodymovin plugin window, and you will find the name of the project appearing in the list below. Select the name, set the JSON file output location, and click "Render".
  • Click Settings in the image above to configure the exported JSON:

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