XR Abilities
Galacean XR currently includes the following abilities:
Ability | Explanation |
Anchor Tracking | Anchor tracking |
Plane Tracking | Plane tracking |
Image Tracking | Image tracking |
Hit Test | Hit test |
Property | Explanation |
trackingAnchors | (Read-only) Get anchors requested for tracking |
trackedAnchors | (Read-only) Get tracked anchors |
Method | Explanation |
addAnchor | Add a specific anchor |
removeAnchor | Remove a specific anchor |
clearAnchors | Remove all anchors |
addChangedListener | Add a function to listen for anchor changes |
removeChangedListener | Remove a function listening for anchor changes |
You can add anchors in XR space with the following code:
const anchorTracking = xrManager.getFeature(XRAnchorTracking);
const position = new Vector3();
const rotation = new Quaternion();
// 添加一个锚点
const anchor = anchorTracking.addAnchor(position, rotation);
// 移除这个锚点
// 监听锚点变化
added: readonly XRAnchor[],
updated: readonly XRAnchor[],
removed: readonly XRAnchor[]
) => {
// 此处添加对新增锚点,更新锚点和移除锚点的处理
Property | Explanation |
detectionMode | (Read-only) Type of planes being tracked, horizontal, vertical, or all |
trackedPlanes | (Read-only) Get tracked planes |
Method | Explanation |
addChangedListener | Add a function to listen for plane changes |
removeChangedListener | Remove a function listening for plane changes |
Note that when adding functionality to plane tracking, you need to specify the type of plane tracking.
// Specify plane tracking type as all during initialization
xrManager.addFeature(XRPlaneTracking, XRPlaneMode.EveryThing);
We can track real-world planes and mark them with transparent grids and coordinate systems:
Property | Explanation |
trackingImages | (Read-only) Array of images requested for tracking, including name, source, and size |
trackedImages | (Read-only) Get tracked images |
Method | Explanation |
addChangedListener | Add a function to listen for image changes |
removeChangedListener | Remove a function listening for image changes |
Note that when adding functionality to image tracking, you need to specify the images to track, and in WebXR, each image will only be tracked once.
// Specify the images to track during initialization
xrManager.addFeature(XRImageTracking, [refImage]);
We can track real-world images and mark them with coordinate systems:
Method | Description |
hitTest | Collision detection by casting rays in real space |
screenHitTest | Collision detection by comparing screen space coordinates with real space planes |
const pointer = engine.inputManager.pointers[0];
// 获取平面触控点
if (pointer) {
const hitTest = xrManager.getFeature(XRHitTest);
const { position } = pointer;
// 通过屏幕空间坐标与现实空间的平面进行碰撞检测
const result = hitTest.screenHitTest(