XR Manager

The XR Manager is a subordinate of the Engine instance, which you can access through engine.xrManager. It plays a central role in XR, mainly managing:


originEntityThe origin point at XR initialization, connecting the virtual world with the real world

If you place the origin node at position (1, 1, 1) in the editor, you can understand that when the XR space unfolds, the reference origin of your coordinates in the real world is (1, 1, 1). They establish the connection through a fixed transformation formula.


isSupportedFeatureWhether a feature is supported
addFeatureAdd a specific XR feature
getFeatureGet a specific XR feature
getFeaturesGet all XR features
enterXREnter XR session
exitXRExit XR session

Overall Process

Based on the above properties and methods, let's outline the overall process of XR:

Last updated on July 17, 2024

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